Benadryl for Dogs

  • Benadryl (Type)

  • Alternatives

  • Dosage

  • Health Concern Do Not Give If

 Benadryl (diphenhydramine)

“Benadryl is a great medication for use in dogs with mild-to-moderate allergies. Seasonal allergies, food allergies, environmental allergies, and allergic reactions to snake and insect bites all respond to Benadryl in most cases.”

“Diphenhydramine (the active ingredient in Benadryl) can be given at 1 to 2 milligrams per pound of body weight. If using a Benadryl product, check to make sure there are NO other active ingredients. Some Benadryl products contain decongestants as well, and these can be dangerous for dogs.” [3]

“check to make sure there are NO other active ingredients. Some Benadryl products contain decongestants as well, and these can be dangerous for dogs.” [2]


You can also offer Apis Mel, which I call "homeopathic Benadryl" along with quercetin ("nature's Benadryl") if you have it, or real Benadryl if you don't, with a starting dose a milligram per pound of body weight.” [1]

Do not give Benadryl to dogs with glaucoma, high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease.


“1 mg per pound of body weight, given 2-3 times per day.

Benadryl - a milligram per pound of body weight.

 “Some Benadryl products contain decongestants as well, and these can be dangerous for dogs.”

Health Concerns

If your dog has any of the following conditions, only use Benadryl after consulting your veterinarian:

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