Your dog’s anal glands or sacs are small and oval-shaped, and sit just inside the rectum on either side of the anus at about the 8:00 and 4:00 o’clock positions. They’re located within the muscle of the anal sphincter and the tiny opening to the ducts isn’t easily visible along the anal mucosal junction.

“Scooting can signal another problem like a perianal tumor, or irritation caused by diarrhea or a perineal yeast infection, but most often the reason is an anal gland problem.”

Essential oils for anal gland issues

What increases your dog's chances of anal gland problems?

Conditions and factors that can increase chances and frequency of a dog’s anal glands becoming impacted and/or infected include:

Pet Powder by N.O.G.C. will eliminate pet body odor

Pet Powder by N.O.G.C. will eliminate pet body odor

Why Does Your Dog Scoot?

Based on my limited experience with anal glad issues I believe diet can play a role in reoccurring issues.  I have found that a small amount of an offending ingredient causes issues.

Since food intolerance or sensitivity is more common than a food allergy I start with a NutriScan Food Intolerance/Sensitivity test to eliminate the guesswork and putting dogs through weeks/months of food trails and continually going to the vet to manage symptoms. NutriScan tests a dog’s saliva  With the NutriScan kit you collect saliva with a small cotton dental rope. You can do this at home or at the vet’s office. Then ship the kit back to Hemopet for testing. “Nutriscan is the only clinically predictable diagnostic test for dogs, cats and horses to identify the commonly seen food intolerances and sensitivities in saliva.

Anal Glands — Why Dogs Have Them & What To Do When They're A Problem

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